Welcome to the greatest page on the web! Well, maybe not the greatest, but the best page to learn everything you wanted to
know about Glenn, but was afraid to ask.
Here you will find some really groovy things like pictures of Sarah and our "children"...Tia, Allie, Grendel, Kinsey
and or newest, Abby. There is also some really cool stuff about The Crimson Tide, The Dallas Cowboys, My favorite movies,
TV shows, books, hobbies, and many other things.
The pictures you see to the right are the kids: Tia (a.k.a. Ti Ti, Piglet, Piggy, and Pig Pig), Allie, who was named for the
Crimson Tide mascot "Big Al" (a.k.a. Allie Cat, Wierd Allie and Dallas Alice), Kinsey (a.k.a. Kinsey Keet and Tina),
Grendel (a.k.a. Monster Bird and Ike) and Abby (a.k.a Abby Road...okay, she's ne so she doesn't have a lot of nicknames yet)


"If you believe in yourself and have pride and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are
the rewards.": Paul "Bear" Bryant

Tia |

Allie |

Kinsey |

Grendel |

Abby |
